A community for the driven and highly motivated to connect, learn and grow.


Michelle Sukow
Michelle Sukow


I’m Michelle Sukow …

the powerhouse behind My Lane Too, a community created for those looking for tools, inspiration, and guidance to find your passion, forge a path, and live life on your own terms!

Whether you’re tired of living life in black and white, going through the motions but feeling like you’re going nowhere, or you’re wanting direction and support to make positive changes in your life – you’re in the right place!

My Lane Too is the perfect place to talk about the things that matter to you: your ideas, your thoughts on blazing your own trail and creating your own path, no matter what role you’re in.

In this dynamic group, you’ll have exclusive access to content, experts, and others who are taking on life’s challenges confidently, navigating change, and creating success. Whatever success might look like to you!

Join our supportive group by clicking the button below to join our exclusive community.

I used to be weighed down by fear and anger…

isolating myself out of embarrassment and judgment from others because I allowed others to behave in damaging ways.

And then I regained my confidence and took back control of my life. 

I reached out for help because I was miserable where I was at. 

That’s when I learned I wasn’t broken, I just needed healing. I started to take responsibility for what I was allowing and stood up for myself. 

Most importantly, I realized that my children needed a role model that showed them what respect, love, and healthy boundaries were. I didn’t need them to feel sorry for me. I wanted them to be proud of me for taking care of myself. 

It took a lot of work on my part to get to this place of confidence and strong boundaries. I am now hopeful and secure in a healthy and loving future.

Michelle Sukow
Michelle Sukow
You can too! 

But where do you start?

I’m here to share with you the steps I took to identify what was holding me back from living life on my terms and being happy. Along with others along the journey, together we will navigate our careers, find our pivot points, and create a life we design.

In the My Lane Too exclusive membership group, you’ll have access to challenges, webinars, happy hours, networking events, advice, tools to achieve success, inspiration, and support. By joining others on the same journey to be their best selves, you’ll more quickly create a life you didn’t know possible.

Your Lane

Forging your path to a life on your terms.

Here’s how the My Lane Too community supports you

When I started on my journey discovering that my life didn’t have to depend on others or be shaped by others’ decisions, I didn’t have anyone to turn to for help or direction. I had a lot of trials and errors. It took longer for me to heal and create my best life as I struggled to see the positive changes I was making.

You don’t have to go through it alone.

While the journey is still hard and there’s no avoiding making changes, you can be supported while you go through the process. Bounce ideas off others who are about to make the same changes or have already made the decisions you have and learn in a supportive atmosphere.

Get helpful advice and tips from those who are on the other side and living lives they only dreamed of. Share in others’ successes and immediately walk into a place of friends that want the best for you.

I’ve created a community that I wish I had while I was starting on my path. Let me pave the way for you while inviting you to friendships that will catapult your personal and professional success!

Michelle Sukow


Your career is a huge part of your life. Being go-getters and highly motivated, we need to be in positions that fuel our cup, not deplete us. In this pillar, we explore opportunities that align with our true selves. Our best selves. We work towards achieving our career goals.

Time Management

As driven and motivated as we are, there’s never enough time to do all the things we want. Yet, we MUST make time for ourselves and our priorities. Time management tools and skills will be shared throughout this pillar. Life hacks, as well as stress management, will support your journey toward managing your time.


Living our best life takes work! Knowing what you want is half the battle. Throughout this pillar, we will work to discover what a successful life is to each of us. Then, we identify how to get the life we want… and deserve.


Practicing gratitude may not come naturally to us. The act of being grateful raises your energy and places your mind in a positive state. In this pillar, we discuss how to implement a daily practice of gratitude and tools to assist in the process.


In this pillar, we look at our relationships to determine which are supportive, positive and which are no longer serving us. Changes may need to be made. We discuss what it takes to have difficult discussions and conversations. We also work to add positive, supportive friends and mentors into our lives. BIG HINT: This community is a starting place!

Goal Setting

In this pillar, we focus on setting goals but more importantly, we make the journey to achieving the goal FUN! We discuss how to create goals to get you on your way to bigger goals. Celebrate all your goals achieved and embrace the process!

Monthly Webinars

Join us live or watch on demand


Each month, learn more about the pillars of creating your lane with me, and on occasion, special guests.

Each webinar will focus on a topic that will show you step by step how to begin putting your needs first and create the life you desire. Whether you’re just starting to realize that you want more out of life, or you’ve been on the journey a while and need direction and perspective, each webinar will give you action steps to take beyond the time together.

Here’s what life on your terms can look and feel like:
  • Discovering new interests and passions
  • Making new friends
  • Checking Off Bucket List Items
  • Feeling less stress
  • Having time in your day to do what you want
  • “Playing” with your friends
  • Feeling confident in your career and in relationships
  • Feeling supported
  • Physically feeling better

And that’s not all. You can ask questions about your personal circumstances and receive answers directly from me, guest speakers, and others in the community going through exactly what you’re experiencing!

When I began to know that my life was not what I wanted, I realized I was living the life others wanted from me. Not necessarily the life I wanted. Awareness was the first step!

I’m very passionate about helping others learn how to put the right pieces of the puzzle together for themselves because I know how much of a difference it can make.

When I regained my confidence, I took back control of my life.

I needed help to get my confidence. I chose mentors that were creating or living lives that I wanted for myself. They could provide the support and positive input that I needed right when I needed it.

That’s what each webinar in the membership can do for you.

Feel supported, get great advice, tips, and life hacks so that you can have it all!


from Michelle Sukow

Group coaching sessions:


Multiple ways to work with Michelle and other mentors throughout each month!

Join us to receive personalized advice, listen to those who’ve been on this path a while, and learn how you can pivot to create life on your own terms.

Through monthly webinars, happy hours, and exclusive networking events you will have opportunities to learn from others while also having a team supporting you. Enjoy multiple formats for learning and participating.

Work through any speed bumps you may be experiencing while also having fun with others who know EXACTLY what you’re going through.


You’re supported every step of the way…

I remember figuring out that if my life was going to change for the better, I was going to need to take control – and there was no one to guide me or to hold me accountable.

The road can sometimes be really hard. Emotionally hard. It can drain every ounce out of you. It’s those times it’s too easy to give up and that can mean going back to bad habits.

In My Lane Too, you’re surrounded by others that want to be better and are working to make major changes in their lives too. On those hard days, you can share with our group what is getting you down and know that you won’t be judged. You’ll be given words of wisdom and support from those who have been right where you are.

And we’ll be right there when you have fantastic days of accomplishment!

We want you to celebrate EVERY win! And we’ll be right there with you cheering you on.

This is supportive accountability!

Michelle Sukow


It takes your mental, spiritual and physical health to create the life you want.


Michelle Sukow

I can remember being locked in bad habits which created poor health. It’s hard to do what you want, let alone as much as you want to do, when you feel crummy all the time.

In our community, we focus on your whole self. Every day can feel amazing when you have all aspects of your health in alignment.

You’ll make new friends that share a positive mindset and work alongside you as you create a life you’re grateful for. You’ll learn tools, habits, and information that will help you to increase your health and vitality in every part of your life.

I’ll share what has helped me to create a positive mindset as well as a life I’m so grateful for and I’ll help you too.

A Note from Michelle Sukow

My Lane Too is for you if …


Michelle Sukow
  • You’re tired of how things are and know there’s a better life ahead, you’re just not sure how to get there.
  • You’re an ambitious, driven individual who wants to grow personally as well as professionally.
  • You hope to create connections with others who also want to create a life on their own terms.
  • You’re wanting a super-supportive community where your ambitiousness is appreciated, and your successes are celebrated.

Frequently Asked Questions

What will I come away with from having joined this membership?

Depending on how long you stay and how much you participate, you’ll know what you want from life, what kind of life you want and how to create that life. And the whole time you’re learning, you’ll be supported by non-judgmental new friends and myself to help you quickly move through the transition process.

How often do I need to participate to see results?

I highly encourage you to join us for as many live events as possible, but I realize life can get in the way. The more you’re able to engage with others on the same journey as you as well as ask questions of me, the quicker you’ll be able to focus on the areas of your life that need attention and make the necessary changes.

Most live events such as webinars, challenges, and exclusive training will be recorded and made available for those who couldn’t join us originally, or for those who want to review certain information.

I just signed up but have not received an email yet?

Make sure you check your promotions and junk folders within your email account. To make sure that this doesn’t happen again, please whitelist the email – that way, mail will go directly into your inbox and you’ll never miss any incredible updates or news! If you’ve tried the above and still haven’t received an email within 24 hours, email my team at michelle@michellesukow.com

What is your cancellation policy?

You may cancel at any time. Just inform my team that you would like to cancel 2 days prior to your next billing date to ensure you’re not charged for that next billing period.

What if I have a question that is not listed on this page?

We want to help you in any way we can. Please email michelle@michellesukow.com with any general inquiries. We will get back to you ASAP with an answer!