This past month I had the opportunity to hand over the reins of my brick-and-mortar businesses. What an experience!

I was led to believe many years ago, when I first started in this business, that hiring a general manager would be suicide. I’m one month in and I have to say that while it is a big adjustment on my part, all signs point to this being the best decision for everyone!

I talk a lot about growing as a person and growing professionally. As you grow professionally, there’s a point where you need to get help, or you won’t be able to grow anymore. There’s only so much you can focus on and give your attention to. That’s where I found myself in my businesses. 

I Can Get Used to Handing Over the Reins

The changes that we’ve implemented have not been big, but the changes have made an impact. At first, I thought, “Have I really given up all control?” But the reality is that I still have control and I now have help with the daily managing and running of my businesses. This has brought about a lot of positive changes!

In just the last month, I’ve grown as a leader, my team has a mentor they can grow with, staff is able to grow in their field, the business is growing, and it’s created a supportive and learning work culture! 

Exponential Growth for Everyone Involved

After this month, it will still take time for me to go with the flow and the changes. But after seeing the positive changes at work, I know this was the best decision for me, for my business, and for my team. 

There are so many ways this has positively changed my life. It has literally freed up a lot of my time so I can focus on my business to continue growing it. It’s fun getting to focus on the fun parts of the business!

I enjoy watching and working with my co-workers or teammates so much more! I get to watch the technicians grow and learn in a very positive environment. I had a huge vision for this and it’s finally here! It’s so exciting to watch!

Now that I am working my business instead of my business working me, I spend quality time with my loved ones and take more time for myself. It gives me more time to interact with my clients and my branding business.

So, here’s what it all comes down to when you want to hand over the reins:

  1. Trust
  2. Mutual Respect
  3. Review (Adjust & Strategize)

Trust is everything. When your people feel they have your trust, they have the confidence to do their job well. Confidence breeds a more positive mindset which contributes to really good decisions. Confidence will allow you to take some risks with great rewards. With confidence and trust, they know that if they do make a mistake, it’s a learning experience. I’d much rather learn than to not grow at all!

Mutual respect is necessary. When you share mutual respect, you work really well together. It allows you to create goals, have boundaries, and show appreciation. Trust and mutual respect between both parties allow for bigger growth as well as taking risks!

Review what you’ve done. This is such an important part of the process. Everything you do will not go the way you intended. You’ll work toward a goal, and you may be far from it or you may need to tweak something. This is where you review what you did, make an adjustment, and then strategize your way forward. Trust means that even when things don’t go as planned, you accept that as part of the risks and rewards.

Parting Thoughts

I’m here to show you that growing personally and professionally can mean handing over the reins on areas that you don’t want to do anymore or that you can hire someone really good at doing for you. It’s part of growth. 

By focusing on what you enjoy and giving yourself more time to grow, you create a great atmosphere for new opportunities. Expanding out of your comfort zone (and boy was this outside of mine!) is a big part of growth. With the support of your inner circle, you’ll find that you can do almost anything!

Live Life On Your Own Terms!
