A Look In The Rearview Mirror….

A Look In The Rearview Mirror….

As we look forward to starting a new year, I would like to reflect on this past year for a bit. A look in the rearview mirror if you will. 2022 was quite the year! I’ve kind of been in protective mode this year. 2022 was full of challenges, rewards, blessings, and...


Taking the Plunge and Jumping Off an Airplane Call me crazy, but with a slight fear of heights, I still went skydiving this past weekend. Like climbing a ladder or climbing a tree wouldn’t have done the trick for me? LOL! Just before the world went crazy and the...
Success or Luck … Which One Is It?

Success or Luck … Which One Is It?

It always shocks me when people say, “You are so successful!” and “Remember me when you’re famous!” Or ask, “What do you do to become so successful?” I usually will bow my head and say, “I don’t know. You think so?” I’m truly humbled by their words. Today, I hit the...