I recently saw the above saying on Facebook. I absolutely loved it because I talk A LOT about saying NO when you need to. In fact, at my last Dealing With Overwhelm Challenge, this was something almost everyone struggled with. Guilt and regret creep in when we give a...
You have all heard me over and over again talk about how my home has been my sanctuary since my divorce. Once all the chaos was gone, I fell in love with it more than ever. I was safe there. I found peace in my environment that I never had before. Every morning when I...
So much has happened since I started my branding business. You have been with me on this journey every step of the way. So many of you have supported me with messages, posts, and reviews on social media. Many of you have purchased my products or attended challenges or...
By the time you are all reading this blog, I hope you are all relaxed from the holidays and still enjoying those Christmas gifts and New Years Resolutions. Whether you spent this holiday with your family, friends, or by yourself, I hope you all had a safe and happy...
I get asked all the time: “How do you accomplish everything you need to do in one day?” The truth is, sometimes I don’t. It may look like I accomplish a great deal of tasks every single day, but I’m human just like everybody else. The days still feel short, my list of...
Getting Through Tough Times Last week I brought you through how I stay on track and keep my creative process flowing when things go awry. But, what happens when you can’t seem to get out of that funk? Sometimes it takes more work than running through your daily...