Hello 2022!

Hello 2022!

By the time you are all reading this blog, I hope you are all relaxed from the holidays and still enjoying those Christmas gifts and New Years Resolutions. Whether you spent this holiday with your family, friends, or by yourself, I hope you all had a safe and happy...
How I Became Successful

How I Became Successful

At this point in my life and in my career, I consider myself successful. As humans, we tend to compare ourselves a lot. We compare money, material things, looks – but I find it important to remind myself that I do not need to have what others have in order to...
How Gratitude Journaling Became Key to My Success

How Gratitude Journaling Became Key to My Success

Of all the ways I’ve grown and changed over the past few years, starting gratitude journaling is one of the most significant and impactful things I’ve done for myself. Gratitude journaling has played such a big role in me creating my best life that I made my own...