Living in Each Moment: The Truth Behind Why I Love Christmas Now

Christmas hasn’t always been a holiday I love. In fact, for years, it was a hard time of year for me. But now that I’m living my best life, Christmas is becoming something I really look forward to. Even though this year might look different than years past, I can’t wait for December 25th to get here! 

So, today, I’m going to give you a peek into why I love Christmas so much, now. Being present in the moment and soaking up time with the people I care about means so much to me at this time of year. Here’s why!

My Grandson’s First Christmas

This Christmas is extra special to me because it’s my grandson’s first Christmas! It’s my first Christmas as a grandma, and I know that seeing the holiday through his almost nine-month-old eyes is going to be amazing. 

What’s funny is, I remember when my children were that age, and how magical Christmas was when they were young. It was so much fun to watch them play with their present boxes and wrapping paper tubes – that stuff was way more interesting than the actual gifts to a child! 

I treasure those memories, and I’m grateful that they remind me to be present and truly focus on these moments with my grandson. I know that spending Christmas with him will create priceless memories in my life!

Time With My Children

I love spending time with my family, especially at Christmas. My kids take a break from their grown-up lives and come home to be with me. I breathe in those moments and savor them because they’re precious to me. 

Nothing gives me more joy than having my kids here at Christmas: it’s the best gift. There’s nothing else I could ever want. They spoil me with presents that usually include pictures from their lives, which are my favorite! My grand-fur-babies are usually there, too, and it’s so amazing to have everyone together. 

The Gift of Giving

Getting gifts is always nice, but for me, giving gifts is what makes Christmas so special. It’s fun for me to think about what my loved ones want and come up with something unique they’ll like. Being present and watching them open their present is such an unforgettable experience.

Every year I do an ornament for my kids, and I love finding the perfect ornaments for them every year. They probably roll their eyes because they know what I’m giving them, but it’s extra exciting when they’re surprised and like the ornaments I got them! 

now that I’m living my best life, Christmas is becoming something I really look forward to.

Moments With My Family

I appreciate the amazing gifts I get from my family and friends, but truthfully, the best Christmas gift for me is their time. One of my favorite Christmas traditions is going to my mom’s house and spending the day with my whole family. We eat all the food and just take in each other’s company. 

My family is extremely close, and I love them beyond words. They’ve been a great source of support for me over the years and have seen me through all my ups and downs. Plus, they’re super fun! In the last few years, I’ve really focused on my time with them at Christmas, and it’s been so wonderful. When we’re together, I don’t worry about anything else. I’m present in that time with them, and I enjoy every second of it.

Christmas with the Dogs

I’m just going to throw this out there – I’m one of those people who buys presents for my pets, and I’m proud of it! My dogs get Christmas presents, and so do my grand-fur-babies, and it’s so great to share that joy with them! Our family’s dogs truly remind me to live in the moment. It’s a blast to watch them run around with their new toys, and I like spoiling them!

Of course, Reilly thinks she should get all the toys, no surprise there, though! Every year, Reilly somehow knows exactly which present under the tree is for her. There have even been times I’ve come home to discover she’s found her toy, opened it up and is playing with it! She’s a little stinker, but that’s why we love her. Reilly’s personality is just great. She keeps things interesting and me on my toes.

My Gift to You

Now that you know why Christmas is so special to me, I want you to think about the people and experiences you enjoy during the holidays and make the most of them. Live in those moments, and appreciate them for what they are. Find the good in all the chaos going on. Feel, taste, smell, and embrace the positives at Christmas. Focus on the good, and let everything else go. 

Live your best life, 
