Achieving success in a business, relationship or personal life isn’t easy. The key to being successful is knowing what you value and then making it your top priority!

My Top Priority

I make sure my family is number one. I will always put their needs first and foremost in life, over anything else for that matter! They’re the most important people to me – they come before anything else.

I am so lucky to have amazing friends. They are the best and help me be better every day with their support, pushing for goals that make us both level up in life! We’re always on top of our game because they know how important it is to keep each other there – especially when challenges show up along the way.

Mentors Help Me Level Up

I find the most valuable thing in life is having mentors and friends who inspire you to be your best self. I’ve found an amazing group of people with similar goals as me, and we’re ready for anything when we’re together! My close colleagues push me every day, because they know that’s what it takes if we want everyone to thrive as a team.

I’m so lucky to be surrounded by my amazing inner circle. They’re a lot like me. We want the same thing: success! There’s never any drama; it just feels good having each other’s backs when things get tough. That is why their support means so much to me – without their motivation, I know that I wouldn’t be where I am today. And I love where I’m at in life right now!

Taking Care of Me Helps Me Level Up

I’m definitely a busy person, but I’m also someone who knows what I want and need. I know I need to take time to do things that help me better myself, like reading on rainy days by the fire and networking often. Most days while I am traveling, I spend about 90% of my time listening to audiobooks or podcasts.

As an introvert, networking is so hard for me. My networking skills are one area where I try to level up as much as I can, and I’ve come a long way since the pandemic started. Zoom has made my interactions with peers easier, and I actually enjoy it now!

Taking Time for Me

I now know how important it is to carve out time for me. It’s made a world of difference in how fulfilled my life feels!

For years, I put everyone else before myself. It didn’t work out so well. Frankly, it left me feeling empty and unable to give anything back! The greatest gift you can give yourself is filling up your emotional tank so that it doesn’t run dry. If that happens then everything else will start falling apart.

Parting Thoughts

I want to share a secret with you. Leveling up is all about taking small, everyday actions that add up over time and evolving into someone who achieves their goals faster than they had before! My journey wasn’t easy at first because I didn’t have everything in place, but it’s become easier for me when I take steps every single day to better myself.

My goal is to help other women understand how they can begin living life on their own terms without the struggles and mistakes that I made. My transformation started with an honest look at myself and at what (and whom) I was making a priority. It’s true – you are only as good as the company you keep. You’re the sum of the people you hang out with, so choose wisely!

Great friends and mentors help you stay focused on the goals that matter most. Start by choosing your favorite people to spend time with, the people that push you to be your best, and then identify what matters most to YOU, so they can be there for it all!

Live Life On Your Own Terms!