I’ve been talking with all of you here on my blog for a long time now. I can’t tell you how much I love sharing my experiences and the lessons I’ve learned along the way – even the tough ones. My community of female badasses, those of you who want to make powerful changes in your lives and be the best you you can be, means a lot to me. And that’s why I decided to create a mastermind where we can all learn and grow together, My Lane Too with Michelle Sukow.

Some of the best advice and inspiration I’ve ever gotten has been from you: women like me who put their heart and soul into what they do and are passionate about getting their personal and professional lives where they want them to be. My Lane Too is a mastermind where you’ll get the motivation and inspiration you need to accomplish everything you dream of, and you can also make your voice heard. 

Your experiences matter. Your insights matter. And you know what? You matter. When you work in industries like mine (trucking, towing, manufacturing, etc.), there are many rules, actual and understood, and ways things have always been done for a long time. While I’m all for tradition, sometimes, a new voice needs to be heard. My Lane Too is the perfect place to talk about the things that matter to you, your ideas, and your thoughts on blazing your own trail and creating your own path, no matter what role you’re in.

Michelle Sukow smiles in her office. She's excited to welcome you to her new mindset group, My Lane Too.

At the end of the workday (even the crazy long ones), we’re more than our jobs. But, we carry their weight in our heads and hearts, even when we “leave” them. But to be whole and happy people, we have to be able to destress and decompress. In My Lane Too, we share ideas and resources for creating a full life that makes you happy in every way.

Maybe you’ve been at it for a long time, and you’re contemplating your next move. Maybe you’re just getting started in life and business. Wherever you are, in My Lane Too is for you. Take on life’s pivots confidently, navigate change, and create your success.

The best part? I’m just getting started with this mastermind of mine. Soon I’ll be offering an exclusive membership with special content events, giveaways, and more. The best way to get the inside track and be the first to access it all is to join the My Lane Too mastermind on Facebook now and for free. 

Want to hear more? Come join us! Head over to the mastermind group on Facebook and join My Lane Too. We’re waiting for you!