I used to wonder what my life would be like if I had chosen a different path. I think this is common for people to think this way – at least I hope so! You spend your whole life growing up thinking about what you want to do, want you want to be, where you want to be, and so on, but once you are an adult you never really look at where you are. I realized it had been years and I had not thought about how my life has changed and how I am nowhere near the path I thought I would be on. I had only thought about it when I was asked, “Michelle, if you have the chance to start your career over again, what would you do differently?” The honest truth is, I am not sure, but I like where I ended up! 

The Unexpected 

I did not think in a million years that I would be running a towing/truck repair business. This business has not always been in my family so it was not on my radar of careers I would be pursuing. Although this would not have ever been on my mind of career possibilities, I am certainly glad that this opportunity crossed my path. I thoroughly enjoy my time when I am working, even through all the long nights, the tough weather conditions, long hours, and everything being so quick. It is challenging at times to have such a busy schedule because everything is so now, now, now but if I am being honest, that is when I do my best work. 

As of right now, I do not want to change anything in my life. I am happy with my personal brand, my towing company, my family, my loved ones, and all of my friends. I am content with the work culture I have created and the success I have made for myself even though this was a very unexpected career path. I guess the saying that great things come unexpectedly is true in my case! Despite being happy with where I am at personally and professionally, I did enjoy thinking about what I wanted to do before ending up here. 

Starting Over 

If I was to start my life over or if something happened where I had no choice, I would still want to be in a career where I could help people – it has always been about helping people. When I was younger, I always dreamt of being a physical therapist. I thought that was a great career to get into because I could help so many people. I always knew I wanted to be in a career where I could make a difference in people’s lives so I always stayed within that framework. Looking back on what old Michelle wanted, I think she would be happy with where I ended up. I get to help people in so many different ways: 

  • In my towing business 
  • In my personal brand 
  • Helping my family 
  • Being a good friend 

My outlook on helping has changed since I dreamt of being a physical therapist. I used to think it was better to help people with physical disabilities but I have come to realize that helping people in their personal lives can be just as beneficial, if not more. I can be satisfied with knowing that I have helped a lot of people in life and that to me is why I would not change a thing about my life now. 

Parting Thoughts 

I have spent the last 10 years of my life working hard to get where I am today. The answer about changing my career was easy for me- I would change nothing! If you ask yourself that question, what would your answer be? What are some ways you can continue to grow and learn in your career now? There are so many opportunities out there and if you are not happy with where you are, change it! 

Live Life on Your Own Terms, 
