My Favorite Holiday

This week is Thanksgiving! Can you tell I’m excited? Besides all the food and family time, it’s the perfect time to be grateful and act kind.

Every year my family gets together at my Mom’s house to eat and when we finish eating, the rest of my family comes over and we play games or just hang out. My mom is an amazing cook – it’s definitely a stretchy pants day for this girl!

You just can’t beat good food and good company! 

I will always be thankful for my family. We aren’t perfect. but I wouldn’t have it any other way. During Thanksgiving week, I spend a lot of time writing in my gratitude journal about how thankful I am for my family, and I’m sure I’m not alone in that. 

My Wish For You

This is the perfect week to have moments of gratitude. What are you thankful for? Who are you thankful for? After you reflect on that, I challenge you to do one random act of kindness before the week is through. What can you do to help someone have a better day this week? 

Random acts of kindness are everywhere. All you do is have to look! When you are practicing a life of gratitude, you will notice them everywhere. Recently, I experienced a random act of kindness that changed my entire day.  

I Was a Random Act for Somebody Else

The other day, my friend sent me flowers hoping to make my day better after an extremely busy week.  Beautiful fall flowers graced my desk that day and made me smile every time I looked at them. Such a kind thing to do! 

Random Acts of Kindness Are Everywhere

There are some simple, kind things people do every day that we tend to overlook. Isn’t it nice when someone holds a door open for you when you enter a building? How about when someone you pass by smiles and says, “Good Morning”? A simple act can make such a big difference. Don’t you find when that happens, you want to pay it forward too?

After my friend sent me flowers, that’s exactly how I felt. Let’s pay it forward together this week!

Your random act can be as simple as a smile for someone who needs one. It can be as grand as you want it to be, like paying for someone’s meal or raking leaves for a person who can’t do it themselves. Make it your own, but be sure to reflect on how grateful you feel towards whoever receives your act of kindness.  

Be Grateful, Act Kind

Share your random act of kindness on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter using the hashtag #begratefulactkind2019. You can use text, pictures, and/or video to share your story. Whatever makes sense to you! 

Starting in December, I’ll be reposting some of your best acts of kindness from this week.

Together, you and I can inspire others to keep the kindness going!  

Happy Thanksgiving to you all. 


See also: