To The Mom I Was This Mother’s Day, I’m writing a letter to the mom I used to be. I’m still a mom. Obviously! But, I wanted to take some time this Mother’s Day to write a letter to my past self, to the mom I was when I was raising my kids. This is partly...
This is a tough topic for me to write about! By sharing my experiences, I open up my life and am vulnerable with you. Not a comfortable place for me to be. But I also know that if I am called upon to help others going through similar experiences, I need to be open and...
It’s 2 am and I can’t sleep (I’m feeling the jet lag from my recent trip to Hawaii). My internal clock is kicking my rear! Instead of trying to go back to sleep, I’ve decided to write about how I learned to ask for help after being independent for many years. Let’s...
In any relationship, there are Ebbs and Flows. Sometimes those ebbs are so deep that you can’t see out to the flow. Once we end the relationship, we tend to wallow in the ebbs and forget to reach for the flows. The truth: the ebb and the flow are both parts of this...
Post-Relationship Changes Divorce is hard. Besides the actual legal parts of the process, you don’t realize how much a relationship changes your mindset and changing your mindset to a better one once you’re through the thick of it can be a process. Trust me, I know! ...
Valentine’s Day: Not My Favorite As we head into February, we will be bombarded with posts, commercials, store displays, and more about Valentine’s Day. It can be a lot! All the messages about romantic relationships can be hard to take in if you’re not coupled up, or...