Michelle Sukow working at her computer, managing her personal and professional life.

This month’s topic is success, and I’m pretty excited to talk about it! 

I’ve shared a lot about my struggles, and I really want to share all of my successes with you, too. Well, maybe not all of them… that would take too long! But the ones that are important to me, and that I think you’ll relate to!

When I talk about success, I’m not just talking about it professionally. For me, success is two-fold, because I’ve also had a lot of success in my personal life. I want you to know that even if you’re not a corporate ladder-climber, entrepreneur, or small business owner, your successes still matter! 

Maybe you have another kind of role, like being a mom or dad. I mean, those are two of the most important jobs you can possibly have! You can find success in whatever role you have. I want you to focus on those successes – YOUR successes – and celebrate those wins.

Success means different things to each of us, and I can’t wait to share all of my thoughts and tips with you. 

What Does Success Look Like for You?

When it comes to your life, don’t worry about what success looks like for other people. Make your own path! It’s OK if it isn’t a straight line. Part of celebrating your success is looking back at your journey and enjoying what you’ve accomplished. Your path doesn’t need to look like anyone else’s… it just needs to be yours.

Find Your Inspiration and What Satisfies You

For me, being a mom was the best job I’ve ever had. I loved being a mom, and I think I was pretty darn good at it, too! I raised two really great kids, and they’re successful in their own ways. That makes me feel pretty proud. That’s a success.

But I’m also successful in the sense that I’ve built a life for myself that I’m incredibly proud of. I live with peace, joy, and happiness… and I’m proud of myself for that success! I did it on my own, and I didn’t need to have somebody supporting me. 

In my professional life, I’m successfully running multiple businesses on my own. In my opinion, I’m killing it! At the same time, sometimes success for me is managing to rest and enjoy my life. Honestly, I didn’t always do that for myself. I had a lot of chaos around me, always waiting for the next shoe to drop. Making time to relax is a huge success. It’s a big win for me!

What’s Your Endgame?

What exactly do you need to accomplish to feel successful? Your endgame might be just one piece of the pie that will make you feel successful. But it could also be a combination of things you accomplish, and I hope you’ll be open to that. Like I’ve said, you’re on your own journey, and there are a lot of things you’ll do along the way. 

Don’t Forget to Celebrate!

What’s success if you don’t celebrate it? I encourage you to celebrate every success. No matter how big or how small, we should celebrate them all, right??

I’m so excited to share with you, and I want to hear from you! I want you to feel PROUD of your success, and I’d love you to share your wins! Use the hashtag #shareyoursuccess and tag me in your posts. We can celebrate them together!

Be safe, be well, and enjoy the ride… because that’s what it’s all about. -Michelle