Michelle Sukow is making the most of midlife

Midlife can be a challenging time for many people, but for me, it’s the best time of my life. I’ve talked with you about celebrating where you are at midlife and how to embrace these years. Today, I’m giving you my tips for making the most of midlife, and how you can join me in LOVING this time!

Create an Amazing Inner Circle

For me, the #1 reason midlife is so wonderful is that I’ve surrounded myself with the right people. I’ve removed toxic people from my life, and I focus my energy on my inner circle. They’re the people I care about the most, and who care about me. We support, inspire, and encourage each other. 

When I want to get out and enjoy my life, I call my inner circle. No matter where we go or what we do, I know I’m spending time with people who bring positivity to my world. They’re my support system, the people who are behind me 100%. Without them, I know I wouldn’t be able to enjoy this time in my life fully. 

Stop Caring About What People Think

I’m at a point in my life where other peoples’ opinions of me just don’t matter. For a long time, I made choices to please other people. I worried about how my actions or opinions would be perceived. But you know what? Now, I just don’t give a shit.

Michelle Sukow is taking midlife head-on and loving it

Don’t get me wrong. I don’t mean that in a bitchy way. But I’m confident in myself and how I live my life. I’m going to do what makes me happy. As long as I’m doing things that are healthy, productive, and not harmful or offensive to others, I do what I want. For example, I used to dress based on how I wanted people to see me. Now, I dress for my mood and how I feel. If I want to wear something comfy, I wear something comfy. Forget what anyone around me is going to think. I’m going to do what makes me happy.

Make Choices for You

I’m fortunate that I have a lot of freedom at midlife, and I’m able to do just about anything I want. I’ve raised my kids, I’m independent, and I spend my time doing positive things. And if I want to do something, I do it. 

In my 20s and 30s, I hoped life would eventually get better. Up until I was about 47, I wished for things to change. But you know what? The only way life gets better is when YOU make it better. You have to make choices for things to change. Sometimes those choices are tough. Sometimes they’re easy. But you have to take responsibility for your happiness and own it.

Choose a Grateful Mindset

I can give you all my tips for making the most of your midlife. But, I want you to remember one thing: Having a grateful mindset and focusing on the positives in your life is a catalyst for making these years the best they can be. I’m not saying there won’t be challenges along the way. But when you choose to be positive, you can get past the hard times so much faster.

Look, I don’t have all the answers. We all have different needs, wants, and desires. Maybe the things that make midlife great for me are different than what will work for you. I hope you’ll share your experiences with me because we can all learn from each other! Please send me an email at michelle@michellesukow.com, or connect with me on my social media. 

When it comes to making the most of midlife, what matters most is what matters to you. Do what makes you most happy. That’s how you live your best life. 
