Who’s had a week where they got everything done they wanted to get done? Did you raise your hand? I’d be surprised! (And want to know your secret!) Somehow, the weeks get away from all of us. I know! I had many of those weeks in November when I just couldn’t get everything done I wanted to get done. But, I’m here to tell you there is a way – outsourcing – to help yourself manage time better. Then, when those busy weeks happen (you better expect it!) you’ll be able to still check most of the stuff off your list. 

It all comes down to freeing up your own time.  

How do you free up some of your time? Outsourcing!

Outsourcing is an excellent way to manage your time. Let me explain. Outsource the things you don’t like to do. Outsource some of the things that take up too much of your time. You’re following me, right? No? Well, I’ll give you three ways to outsource that I use religiously to help maximize my time. Can’t imagine doing it any other way!

Say No to Shopping

I am not a fan of shopping.  Wait, did I, a woman, just say I don’t like shopping? Yes, yes I did. I have never been a fan. I know there are plenty of us out there! 

One day getting my hair cut, my sister was telling me about a friend of hers who started using Stitch Fix and loved it. It took me a while but eventually, I tried it. It didn’t take my amazing stylist long to nail almost every fix. I’ve been using Stitch Fix for over 4 years now. I love having a personal stylist! This has been a game-changer for me in more ways than one. 

The Benefits of Outsourcing

It’s a massive time saver. I never have to leave my house to go shopping, which, I don’t enjoy. I don’t travel from store to store looking at clothes that I have to settle on and don’t love. 

It saves me money. Before Stitch Fix, there were so many clothes in my wardrobe that I only wore once. I should probably admit there were some I never wore. 

I don’t have clutter in my closets anymore. The whole less is more thing – so true!

If you aren’t a fan of shopping, then give Stitch Fix a try. Outsourcing my shopping changed my life.

Outsource Meal Time

I like to cook. Sometimes. I’ll admit I like it less now that I am older. Cooking requires time to plan, shop, cook, and clean up. That is A LOT of time for something I personally don’t get a ton of enjoyment from right now. Yep, you guessed it. I decided to do a home delivery meal plan. 

There are a lot of options out there, but I chose Hello Fresh because a friend told me how much she liked it. She wasn’t wrong. It’s great! 

I have the right ingredients. They are fresh. I was can pick from already planned meals and the easy-to-follow recipes come with. And all of this is delivered to my door each week. Can it get any better than that? 

There are so many benefits to a home delivery meal plan. 

The Benefits of Outsourcing

This is another massive time saver. I don’t have to look through cookbooks for ideas. There’s no list of ingredients to write down. I don’t have to go to the store and shop for the ingredients. 

Hello Fresh saves me money too. I’m not purchasing more than I need to. It is the perfect meal size so that I have dinner and lunch the next day. I don’t have any wasted ingredients. That’s not the case with grocery shopping! 

How many times have you tossed fruits and veggies before you could eat them or had too many leftovers? 

This all worked great until my days got longer and I was getting busier. When I got home at 7 pm, I didn’t want to make dinner and clean up afterward. That meant I would be getting to bed late and that would take away from my sleep time. 

So, I decided to try Freshly, which is a single-portion meal plan that comes already prepared. A couple of minutes in the microwave and bam it’s ready to eat. I love it! The single-portion sizes are great. I use the empty trays for leftovers at holidays/picnics to send home with guests.  

Convenience is key here with this meal delivery service. I’m still a subscriber to both. I choose the one that works best with my schedule for that week. But there are times when I still want to or need to plan my own meals AND I have a busy week. 

Get Groceries Delivered

Let’s say I want to cook a new recipe or an old favorite from time to time. Well, let me just say that grocery pick up or delivery is my time-saving tool here! YES! I don’t know why I didn’t start this sooner! 

I’ve done both pick up and delivery depending upon my schedule. If I am in the area or will be, I just schedule a pickup. However, if I have other things to do, I schedule a delivery for when I will be home. I can’t even begin to tell you the time-savings here:

  • Travel time to the store and back
  • Shopping time 
  • Conversations at the store
  • Packing and unpacking my car

One time, I called my daughter after this time saver and said, “I may never have to leave the house again!” She, of course, said, “I don’t know how healthy that is, Mom.”   

Pfft. Do you have any idea how many germs are on those shopping carts?? YUCK. I know that isn’t what she meant, but in all seriousness, you need to learn to outsource the things you can.  This goes professionally as well! 

I just gave you three ways in which I manage my time like a boss. Sure, I could have gone with more ideas, but neither of us has time for that!! I would love it if you would comment below and share other ways you manage your time so that we can all share our wins! 

Live life on your terms!


See also: