Sleep Habits For A Successful You

Sleep Habits For A Successful You

If you’re one of those people who survive on just a few hours of sleep every night, I’ve got some news for you. You can’t keep skimping on your sleep and think that you will continue to make good decisions, stay focused, and be productive. Your sleep habits are a...
Exercise, Eat, Sleep, Rinse and Repeat

Exercise, Eat, Sleep, Rinse and Repeat

Anyone who knows me knows that FOOD, SLEEP, and EXERCISE are important to me.  And not just because they are the core components of a healthy ME. I’m a bit of a food snob! I’ve always needed a bit more sleep than the average person. And I LOVE to exercise. My...
Living a Life of Gratitude

Living a Life of Gratitude

I wish I had heard of living a life of gratitude years ago. I would have taught my children about gratitude Day One. It’s so much easier to be positive from the beginning than it is to learn how to be positive when you’ve been living in a negative mindset for...