It isn’t a surprise that COVID-19 has changed a lot of the things that we normally do. Something I never expected when I found out my son and daughter-in-law were going to have a baby, was having to keep my distance. 

I wanted to do what all grandmas do! I wanted to be at the hospital, I wanted to hold the baby, and share pictures of them with all of my friends – What grandma doesn’t?!?. But COVID changed all of that.

The Big Day

The baby came a month early, so it was a big surprise! I spent the day anxiously waiting to get the call and I text back and forth with my daughter-in-law’s mom, whom I love! 

All of this was happening so fast, that I wasn’t sure how to process it. I had just started this new chapter of my life where I wanted things to focus on me for a while, because I had spent so much of my life focusing on others. 

But, once that baby came – it was all about them, and I loved it! I saw the baby for the first time over FaceTime and cried tears of joy. It is almost impossible to describe the joy and excitement flowing through me! I was so happy for my son and so blessed to have my daughter-in-law be part of my life. And of course to be a grandma, yay me!!

Taking a Step Back 

I was worried about them doing this on their own at first, but then I realized that COVID-19 may actually be a blessing in disguise. Sounds crazy, I know. But, because of Covid, I was able to take a step back. My son and daughter (can I call her my daughter? I love her like she is my own!) had just begun a new part of their lives and were able to just be home with their baby. They didn’t have any visitor expectations, no one prying at them to hold the baby, they just had their little family. COVID gave them time to find a routine that works for them and not feel overwhelmed. 

I wish I would have had that chance after my first kid was born. I had a lot of stress trying to be a new mom and dealing with a mother-in-law who wasn’t always supportive. She didn’t respect my boundaries and she always made me feel like I was doing everything wrong. I specifically remember her making me feel bad because my house was a mess. No one is perfect! I am making sure that I am nothing like my mother-in-law, and COVID is helping me. 

From a Distance

I may have to watch from a distance but I will respect my family’s boundaries. The best part about being a COVID grandma though? Watching my son and daughter be parents. They are both such amazing parents and it makes me so proud! They work together as a team and it makes my heart absolutely melt. I may not be able to hold the baby yet or show off pictures to my friends, but the pictures I do get every day, I cherish. I get to see the baby grow and change and I see this as a gift. 

It makes me so happy to see them being a family. If I haven’t said it enough, I think they are both amazing parents! And it is so exciting to see them learn how to be parents, together. Something I didn’t exactly get. I’m excited that my grandchild will grow up with two dedicated parents and I’m excited to be a part of their lives in whatever way they need me. I might not be able to hold the baby yet but I’ll be ready for the day I can! I’ll be ready to be the best grandma, mother-in-law, and mom I can be.