You all know by now that I’m a pretty tough girl. I’ve been through the wringer in life, and I’ve had my fair share of setbacks, obstacles, and heartbreaks. Over the years, though, I’ve learned how to work through the hard times. I practice gratitude, focus on the positive, and put my energy into creating the best life possible for myself.

Sometimes, though, things happen that make you literally stop and take a break. Recently, I came down with a pretty bad bug, and despite how hard I tried to push through it, my body simply said, “No.” I had to force myself to rest and to take care of myself. As much as I enjoy my downtime (when I can get it!), it was hard to accept that I needed to take a step back. But you know what? The experience reminded me of a few important things. 

Here’s what I’ve learned from being forced to take a break. 

I Have an Amazing Team

This isn’t the first time I’ve mentioned how incredible my guys (and girls!) are, and it definitely won’t be the last. I’m thankful every day for the wonderful people who work with me and for me. It’s never more apparent, though, just how much I can count on them as when I’m forced to take a break, and life knocks me off my feet! 

The people I work with are great at what they do, they work hard – harder than anyone I know, and they care about helping me continue to grow and build this business. When I’m not 100% at my best, I know I can rely on them to step in where needed to get the job done. 

It can be challenging for me to take a step back at work and give my body the rest I need. But you know what? Knowing I have fantastic people behind me who are just as passionate as I am about making sure my business succeeds is so reassuring!

You Have to Listen to Your Body

I am all about mind over matter, you guys. Practicing gratitude these past few years has taught me that I can create a positive life for myself, no matter the circumstances around me. I’ve learned how to find the good in any situation and make that my focus.

But when you’re knocked off your feet with a virus, and you’re forced to take a break, you have to listen to your body. When you get sick, and you’re fighting all those terrible symptoms (headache, stuffy nose, cough, nausea, UGH!), your body is working so hard to get you better. 

Sometimes you have to take a break.

Trying to force physical and mental activity when your whole system is under attack is just exhausting and counterproductive. So, despite my tough-as-nails will to move past it and live life as I want to, lately, I’ve just had to listen to my body.

That doesn’t mean I gave in, though! On my sickest, worst days, I still tried to focus on the positive. Yes, I was sick in bed and pretty much felt like I was dying. But guess what? I was comfortable at home. Great people were helping to cover for me with my responsibilities. No, it was not ideal. But at least I can listen to my body and rest when I have to. 

Despite all the tough stuff that comes with being sick, I’m still grateful. 

When You Have to Take a Break, Lean On Your Inner Circle

Having people in your life who you can trust, count on, and lean on when you go through difficult times is something I’ve learned to prioritize over the years. I used to let people into my life who maybe weren’t the best for me: they didn’t support me, didn’t have my best interests at heart, and didn’t bring positivity into my life. I started letting those relationships end and instead investing in relationships that are good for me. Where I surround myself with people who make me happy and support the life I want and who I can do the same for.

Now, when I go through an experience like having to take a break because I was so sick, those people help me get through it. I know I can tell them about what’s challenging and worrying me and that they will be there to lift me up and help me when I need it. And when they go through the rough moments in their lives, I’m right there to help them and be there for them, too.

Final Thoughts

No matter how busy you are or how tough you think you are, every once in a while, life has a way of forcing you to take a break. I know it’s not easy, but if you can use those experiences to see the good and positive aspects of your life, it’s not for nothing. I hated being wiped out by being sick recently. But it reminded me of the amazing people I have around me and that sometimes, you just have to take care of yourself. At the end of the day, those things will get you through anything.

Live your best life,
