Learning to Forgive Me

Learning to Forgive Me

Forgiveness I have strong opinions on things. What can I say? It’s in my DNA. I’m going to do it my way, even if I fail. But honestly, I’d much rather fail and continue to learn than always think I’m right and never grow. That’s my approach and it applies to all parts...
I Use Deadlines to Keep Myself On Track

I Use Deadlines to Keep Myself On Track

I get asked this question a lot…when setting goals or adding things to my To-Do List, how do I hold myself accountable? What do I do when I feel resistant to doing the work? I use deadlines!   Anyone that knows me knows that my brain never shuts off. I am...
Be Grateful, Act Kind

Be Grateful, Act Kind

My Favorite Holiday This week is Thanksgiving! Can you tell I’m excited? Besides all the food and family time, it’s the perfect time to be grateful and act kind. Every year my family gets together at my Mom’s house to eat and when we finish eating, the rest of...
My Recommendations for Stress Management

My Recommendations for Stress Management

Living life stressed out is no way to live. Believe me, I’ve been there. In the last few years, I took a good hard look at my life and figured out what I needed to do to reduce my stress so I could have a healthier, happier life. I’m sharing my most important...