I have to say that when it comes to my experience as a female leader in a male-dominated industry, it has been a pretty positive one. Of course, I’ve faced numerous roadblocks over the years. There are still “good old boys” clubs out there in just about any...
It might be hard for you to believe, but I haven’t always lived 100% authentically. There was a time where I based many of my actions and beliefs on other people – what they want from me, what they think of me, and making them happy. I didn’t have the confidence...
Those of you who have followed me for a long time (thank you!) know that my journey hasn’t exactly been an easy one. My personal and professional life and the intersection of the two have provided me with plenty of challenges along with successes—pain and joy. Like...
If you really know me, you know that I’m generally a pretty private person. Sharing my personal life isn’t always easy. But at the end of the day, I know that the experiences I’ve had and the lessons I’ve learned can help other people. So, even when it’s a...
I don’t know about you all, but man, what a busy winter season it was for me and my business! It literally kicked my butt, but in an excellent way. Through some challenging circumstances and unpredictable weather, I learned a lot about myself and my team this year. We...
I’ve spent an immense amount of time creating a company culture I’m proud of here at Topel’s Towing & Truck Center. Let me tell you… It hasn’t been an easy feat. Considering that for the first 20 years of business, leadership wasn’t what it should have been. And,...
Of all the ways I’ve grown and changed over the past few years, starting gratitude journaling is one of the most significant and impactful things I’ve done for myself. Gratitude journaling has played such a big role in me creating my best life that I made my own...
We can all thank the past year for forcing us to find new and creative ways to connect. Even for those of us who have a love/hate relationship with putting ourselves out there and trying new things, getting online has been key to staying connected during strange...
As I write this, it’s warmer to sit in my refrigerator than it would be for me to stand outside. That’s winter in Wisconsin for you! You’d think that after 50 years of living here, I’d be used to subzero temperatures, but it still takes my breath away. No matter how...
You might not think there’s a need for love in your professional life. But, I do! I love all of my work. I love being a restart coach and a midlife champion. I love helping other people navigate midlife and helping them restart wherever they are on their journey. And...