Inner Critic

Inner Critic

We all have an inner critic that sometimes we just want to put our hands over our ears and yell, “NO WAY… not this time. I’m not listening to you anymore!” I don’t know about yours, but mine is a real sassy one too. I can feel the eyeroll as I type this…. It is easy...
What Does HDM Stand For?

What Does HDM Stand For?

I get asked this at least three times a day, sometimes more. It has been almost 4 months since the name change, and we have not revealed what the name means… YET. I am overwhelmed with the number of people who want to know. Quite honestly, it has been a whole lot of...
Overcoming Challenges

Overcoming Challenges

You all may be thinking… “Oh Michelle, you talked about overcoming challenges and getting through hard times last week.” And while you are right on the money with that, I wanted to give you guys my story on how I have overcome challenges in my professional life. It is...