Be Brave, Not Perfect

Be Brave, Not Perfect

Learning to Be brave I don’t know about you but I have always been a bit (okay more than a bit) of a perfectionist. I’ll admit it. This is not one of my best traits and I’ve watched it affect my work, relationships, and personal goals.  I used to try to put out...
What I Gave Up to Run My Business

What I Gave Up to Run My Business

Anytime you make a big change in your life, there are things you have to let go of. It’s a must! You just can’t do it all! When I decided to start this business, I knew I might have to set a few things aside.   Technically, I didn’t have to give up anything…...
The Ebb and Flow of the After

The Ebb and Flow of the After

In any relationship, there are Ebbs and Flows. Sometimes those ebbs are so deep that you can’t see out to the flow. Once we end the relationship, we tend to wallow in the ebbs and forget to reach for the flows. The truth: the ebb and the flow are both parts of this...
It’s Okay to Just Be Okay

It’s Okay to Just Be Okay

Be Just Okay Everyone always asks, “How are you?” But nobody wants to hear, “I’m okay”.  If you do say you’re okay, they always reply, “Just okay?” So, for the longest time, I would answer, “I’m great!” Even if it wasn’t true. It was just easier. But you know what? I...
Outsourcing for Time Management

Outsourcing for Time Management

Who’s had a week where they got everything done they wanted to get done? Did you raise your hand? I’d be surprised! (And want to know your secret!) Somehow, the weeks get away from all of us. I know! I had many of those weeks in November when I just couldn’t get...