New Year, New Goals

New Year, New Goals

Well everyone, we made it! 2022 is here and in full swing and by now, our resolutions are probably in full swing too. I am looking forward to 2022 and everything it is going to bring. I am ready to leave any negativity behind because 2022 is a new year and it is the...
Hello 2022!

Hello 2022!

By the time you are all reading this blog, I hope you are all relaxed from the holidays and still enjoying those Christmas gifts and New Years Resolutions. Whether you spent this holiday with your family, friends, or by yourself, I hope you all had a safe and happy...
My Journey to a “Me” Mindset

My Journey to a “Me” Mindset

I just finished wrapping up my first ever challenge and let me tell you, I LOVED it! I have been planning on starting my own challenge for a while now because I knew that I wanted to expand on how I could benefit all of you. I wanted to do more than my usual webinars,...